
  /    /  Mosaïque

Ballet for 22 dancers
Duration 65 minutes

Mozart, Penguin Cafe Orchestra, Massenet, Chants traditionnels arrangés par Vincent Dumestre, Chopin, Saint-Saëns, Tchaïkovski, Ravel

Thierry Malandain

Set and costume designer
Jorge Gallardo

Christian Grossard

Costume production
Véronique Murat, Charlotte Margnoux

Delta Danse

Other information

Le programme Mosaïque est composé de : Mozart à 2* (1997), Le Cid* (1999), Solo (2023), Une Dernière chanson* (2012), Nocturnes* (2014), La Mort du cygne (2002), Magifique* (2009), Boléro (2001) * extraits

Note of intent

Under the title Mosaic, this show is a choreographic composition whose richly varied ornamentation motifs are drawn from the Malandain Ballet Biarritz repertoire. Of different eras, shapes and tones, they intertwine Mozart, Saint-Saëns, Chopin, Tchaikovsky and so on to highlight «Made in Danse» titles expressing every feeling through their inflections and diverse movements, culminating in the apotheosis of a human mosaic united in the intensity of Ravel’s Bolero.

Thierry Malandain, mars 2023

The result is a white ballet that is all the more beautiful and appealing because it is beautifully danced. The artist has fulfilled one of his duties – he has created beauty.

Le Figaro, Ariane Bavelier • 16 décember 2019

When the metal structure rises, revealing the dancers dressed in white, Malandain offers dazzling classical paintings. Layer continues to stand out, and you can tell that an intimate relationship is being played out with another dancer, while over and over again, the individuals merge into the group.

Financial Times, Laura Cappelle • 18 décember 2019

Between dreamlike Arcadia and overwhelming reality, Thierry Malandain and his 22 dancers provide a magnificent and poignant journey. So many emotions and so much beauty in this new opus by Thierry Malandain ! Superbly inventive, the writing covers mankind’s history full of tension and contrast that unfolds between the desire for beauty and the pain of living, between the dream of a harmonious world and the reality of a life with no horizon.

La Terrasse, Agnès Santi • 24 november 2019


Malandain Ballet Biarritz
Yves Kordian – directeur délégué –
Lise Philippon – chargée de diffusion +33 (0)5 59 24 96 98 –