Ouverture Cubaine

  /    /  Ouverture Cubaine

Ballet for 12 dancers
Duration 15 minutes

George Gershwin

Thierry Malandain

Set and costume designer
Jorge Gallardo

Lighting design 
Jean-Claude Asquié

16 janvier 1998 au Théâtre de Saint-Quentin en Yvelines / Scène nationale

Théâtre de Saint-Quentin en Yvelines / Scène nationale, Conseil Général des Yvelines, ADIAM 78, Esplanade de Saint-Etienne, Ministère de la Culture, Compagnie Temps Présent

Note of intent

Ballet performed on 16 January 1998 at the Théâtre de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines / Scène nationale, France, as part of a programme with Sextet by Steve Reich and Ballet Mécanique by George Antheil. George Gershwin’s score, originally entitled ‘Rumba’, is exceptionally exotic and sonorous. The choreography surrenders itself to sensual pleasure, playing on both the dynamics of the music and the energy of the bodies.

Thierry Malandain

[…]Ouverture cubaine (Cuban Overture), Gershwin’s unbridled rumba which the dancers sway their hips to in a style very close to that of Robbins’ in “West Side Story. “

Le Quotidien du Médecin, Olivier Brunel • 16 February 1998

[…] In response to a request from Pierre Moutarde, Ouverture cubaine (Cuban Overture), is light-hearted exotic entertainment in which docile couples sensually sway their hips to the rhythm, continuing with a flowing adagio.

Les saisons de la danse, Marie-Françoise Christout • March 1998

[…] Ouverture cubaine (Cuban Overture) plays with the body’s sensuality and dynamics without diminishing the remarkable precision of the movements. We only regret the performance’s brevity.

Danse Light,L.C • March 1998


Malandain Ballet Biarritz
Yves Kordian – directeur délégué – y.kordian@malandainballet.com
Lise Philippon – chargée de diffusion +33 (0)5 59 24 96 98 – l.philippon@malandainballet.com