Le Sang des étoiles

  /    /  Le Sang des étoiles

Ballet for 16 dancers
Duration 65 minutes

Gustav Mahler, Johann Strauss, Emile Waldteufel, Ludwig Minkus

Thierry Malandain

Set and costume designer
Jorge Gallardo

Lighting design
Jean-Claude Asquié

4 septembre 2004 Biarritz • Gare du Midi

Esplanade de Saint-Etienne, Grand Théâtre de Reims, Teatro Arriaga de Bilbao, Les Amis de Malandain Ballet Biarritz, Malandain Ballet Biarritz

Note of intent

Among the stars illuminating the celestial vault, the North Star plays a major role in universal symbolism. Leading Man in the middle of darkness it is also the center around which everything else revolves. Not far from that « navel of the world » the Ursa Major and the Ursa Minor move around, and are acording to Ovides, the homes of the nymph Callisto and her son Arcas. Two flesh and blood beings, changed into bears before becoming stars.

Thierry Malandain

Thierry Malandain who has always clearly established his wish to link classical tradition with a contemporary spirit, drives the point home here. His choreography bolts on together grand développés, arabesques, tours, with flexed feet, and buttocks pointing out. He is currently one of the few in France who manages to stick to his style. He has been in charge of Ballet Biarritz since 1998 with every positive results, which is no mean feat nowadays.

Le Monde, Rosita Boisseau • September 2004

This latest ballet by the boss of Ballet Biarritz is of the highest level. It is a wonderfully danced piece, with extraordinary music.

Le Figaro Magazine, François Deletraz • September 2004

Le Sang des Etoiles is a magnificent cocktail mixing the most unexpected ingredients : classical music, free dance, irony, sensuality, the inventiveness of the choreographer and the lively flesh of the dancers.

Moskovskij Komsomolets, Vladimir Kotikhov • 28th June 2005


Malandain Ballet Biarritz
Yves Kordian – directeur délégué – y.kordian@malandainballet.com
Lise Philippon – chargée de diffusion +33 (0)5 59 24 96 98 – l.philippon@malandainballet.com