Ballet for 22 dancers
Duration 72 minutes
Ludwig van Beethoven (6ème symphonie “Pastorale”, Cantate op. 112, extraits des Ruines d’Athènes)
Thierry Malandain
Set and Costumes
Jorge Gallardo
François Menou
Costume production
Véronique Murat, Charlotte Margnoux
Set and props assistants
Frédéric Vadé
French Premiere
13 – 19 december 2019 at Chaillot-Théâtre national de la Danse – Paris
World premiere
22 – 23 december 2019 at Theater Bonn – Allemagne
Chaillot Théâtre national de la Danse, Beethoven Jubiläums Gesellschaft (Allemagne), Norddeutsche Konzertdirektion Melsine Grevesmühl GmbH, Theater Bonn (Allemagne), Le Parvis scène nationale Tarbes Pyrénées, Opéra de Reims, Ballet T, Donostia Kultura – Victoria Eugenia Antzokia de Donostia / San Sebastián (Espagne), CCN Malandain Ballet Biarritz
Théâtre de Gascogne – Scènes de Mont de Marsan, Espace Jéliote Oloron-Sainte-Marie, L’Odyssée – Scène Conventionnée de Perigueux, Scène du Golfe / Théâtre Anne de Bretagne – Vannes, Opéra de Saint-Étienne, Théâtre Olympia d’Arcachon, Escenario Clece / Teatros del Canal – Madrid (Espagne)
Note of intent
This is of course Ludwig van Beethoven’s 6th Symphony with the well-known epigraph of the manuscript “Pastoral Symphony, or Recollection of Country Life, which is more an expression of emotion than a descriptive painting”. Traduisant l’amour ardent du compositeur pour la nature : « Je suis si heureux quand une fois je puis errer à travers les bois, les taillis, les arbres, les rochers ! Pas un homme ne peut aimer la campagne autant que moi » (1), hormis le chant des oiseaux et l’orage, la Symphonie pastorale exprime en effet le sentiment plus qu’elle n’imite les choses. Filled with serenity and fundamentally idealistic, one can see a watermark of flower-covered paths from ancient pastoral landscapes, and the innocence and tranquillity of yesteryear. Or, hovering like a halo, the sacred dust of Athens, a city revered throughout the ages by the imagination of poets and artists for having created Beauty. Composed at the same time as the 5th Symphony, which showed man’s struggle with destiny, by abandoning his emotional states to nature, Beethoven resurrected the Arcadia of the golden era in our minds: “a land of shepherds where we lived happily in love”. But can we deviate from reality? Paired with some motifs from The Ruins of Athens and Cantata Op. 112, entitled Meeresstille und Glückliche Fahrt (Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage), in the footsteps of a wandering Companion, a kind of romantic hero, The Pastoral invokes Hellenic Antiquity, as a place of nostalgia and artistic perfection, from the pain of an endless desire to the bliss of the original light.
Thierry Malandain
(1) Letter to Thérèse Malfatti, 1807
The result is a white ballet that is all the more beautiful and appealing because it is beautifully danced. The artist has fulfilled one of his duties – he has created beauty.
Le Figaro, Ariane Bavelier • 16 décember 2019
When the metal structure rises, revealing the dancers dressed in white, Malandain offers dazzling classical paintings. Layer continues to stand out, and you can tell that an intimate relationship is being played out with another dancer, while over and over again, the individuals merge into the group.
Financial Times, Laura Cappelle • 18 décember 2019
Between dreamlike Arcadia and overwhelming reality, Thierry Malandain and his 22 dancers provide a magnificent and poignant journey. So many emotions and so much beauty in this new opus by Thierry Malandain ! Superbly inventive, the writing covers mankind’s history full of tension and contrast that unfolds between the desire for beauty and the pain of living, between the dream of a harmonious world and the reality of a life with no horizon.
La Terrasse, Agnès Santi • 24 november 2019
Malandain Ballet Biarritz
Yves Kordian – directeur délégué –
Lise Philippon – chargée de diffusion +33 (0)5 59 24 96 98 –